duminică, 29 iunie 2014
Shiki Monthly Kukai/June 2014
Kigo Theme:
new hanging dryer -
in the orange blossom wind
a crow with my sock
Daniela Bullas
(0,2,3) = 7 pts
diverse scents from the shore-
employed seafarers sing
each in his own language
Cristian Mocanu
(0,1,0) = 2 pts
walking in the wind-
in the place of you by my side
a lavender field...
Lavana kray
(0,0,2) = 2 pts
fragrant wind -
raised to heaven
a rose garden
Virginia Popescu
(0,0,2) = 2 pts
reading a book -
the breeze bringing
scent of lily
(0,0,1) = 1 pts
reading a book -
the breeze bringing
scent of lily
(0,0,1) = 1 pts
Free Format Theme:
a child sharing the hut
with a baby deer
Lavana kray
(1,1,2) = 7 pts
all the night
my hut's queen
a full moon
Virginia Popescu
(0,2,2) = 6 pts
old wooden hut -
a thread of water falling
from the ceiling
(0,2,1) = 5 pts
an empty hut -
the crickets of childhood
recall everything…
Cristina Oprea
(0,0,1) = 1 pts
something in my eyes?
the wellspring and the old hut
look the same but aren't
Daniela Bullas
summer vacation-
the homeless man furtively
enters the “tree fort”
Cristian Mocanu
vineri, 20 iunie 2014
By David McMurray
June 20, 2014
Shortest night . ..
a few moments
for love
Vasile Moldovan
a screaming woman
behind the hearse
Lavana Kray (Romania)
miercuri, 18 iunie 2014
Results of the European Quarterly Kukai #6 - Summer 2014 Edition
6th edition:
Theme: water
179 authors
41 countries
Romania (14)
Theme: water
179 authors
41 countries
Romania (14)
hot day idleness-
I am watching the puddle
turning back to cloud
#25 Lavana Kray, Iasi, Romania
(3-4-4) = 21 pts
drop by drop -
perfusion and rain
in tune
#70 Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă, Galaţi, Romania
(2-2-2) = 12 pts
blue lagoon-
naked into
deep sky
#135 Dan Iulian, Bucharest, Romania
(2-2-1) = 11 pts
twilight -
the boatman thrusts the oar
into the bloody Sun
#96 Frătilă Genovel-Florentin, Rm-Sărat, Romania
(2-0-3) = 9 pts
fading leaves falling -
the lake tries to imprison
moonlight in circles
#110 Miruna Covor, Bucharest, Romania
(1-2-0) = 7 pts
old maid in tears...
peering at all the rings
the water makes
#172 Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă, Botosani, Romania
(1-1-1) = 6 pts
ordinary days -
just as every one of us
raindrops are falling
#79 Mihail Buraga, Bucharest, Romania
(1-0-1) = 4 pts
holiday on the sea –
dancing with strangers
a bouzouki song
#57 Steliana Cristina Voicu, Ploieşti, Romania
(1-0-0) = 3 pts
rainwater -
my wedding dress
in the laundry basin
#144 Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, Bucharest, Romania
(0-0-1) = 1 pt
black waters on Black Sea -
democracy's Waterloo
crime on Crimea
#24 Nicu Stopel, Bucharest, Romania
white doves on the sky –
from time to time driven by
the fishing float
#78 Adrian-Nicolae Popescu, Radauti-Suceava, Romania
rainbow in the sky –
the colors is mingling
in the water mirror
#140 Maria Tirenescu, Cugir, Romania
like a waterfall
flowing with the wind:
poplar fluff
#173 Gaby Csilla, Brasov, Romania
Laughing moon from the
town of pain slips away; makes
tonal dissonance.
#122 Marieta Maglas, Suceava, Romania
marți, 17 iunie 2014
Mainichi Haiku
Haiku: June 17, 2014
Selected by Isamu Hashimoto
wedding without groom--
alone in the rain
white tulip
nuntă fără mire --
singură în ploaie
laleaua albă
Stelianna Cristina Voicu (Prahova, Romania)
luni, 16 iunie 2014
Revue Gong(42) - Association Francophone de Haiku

flori de cireş
în jurul casei mele-
păşesc pe vârfuri
se schimbă vremea-
câţiva fulgi de nea pe flori
şi peste noi doi...
joi, 12 iunie 2014
Asahi Haikuist Network
În ediția din 6 iunie,
David McMurray a selectat și
un poem al haijin-ului
Vasile Moldovan:
lightning and thunder
one more kiss
fulger și trăsnet
încă un sărut
luni, 2 iunie 2014
A Hundred Gourds- June 3.3
A Hundred Gourds - June 3.3
Quarterly Journal of haiku, haiga, tanka, haibun and renku
publică poemul Lavanei Kray:
twice alone-
they cut the tree
where we used to meet
mult mai singură-
se retează copacul
unde ne-ntâlneam
duminică, 1 iunie 2014
Brass bell: a haiku journal
Numărul din această lună
a fost dedicat florilor
Zee Zahava a selectat
și 3 haijini din România
mother's diary -
between two blank pages
a pressed snowdrop
(Cezar-Florin Ciobica)
lights and shadows
in wild orchids –
preparing sumi e brushes
(Daniela Lacramioara Capota)
blue sky –
only a poppy thread
in bloom
(Maria Tirenescu)
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