luni, 28 septembrie 2015

cattails September 2015 UHTS Contest Results

linden blossoms
softly falling between
our silences—
we are but two strangers
sitting on the same bench

flori de tei
cad domol între
tăcerile noastre—
suntem doar doi străini
stând pe aceeaşi bancă

Steliana Cristina Voicu

For First Place I've selected this lovely tanka by Steliana Voicu from Romania which is full of tension, and leaves an open-ended feeling for her readers. In Japanese court poetry, there was and still is, a popular poetic device which creates an anticipatory illusion after glimpsing another person, that they might ultimately become a lover, and with whom waka/tanka may some day be exchanged. Either this concept applies to Steliana's tanka, or possibly these two strangers sitting on the same "metaphoric" bench are not strangers at all, but already share a secret love.
Fleeting Words Contest Judge an'ya, USA


Un comentariu:

  1. o tanka de dragoste din care nu lipseste motivul poetic al florilor de tei specific liricii romanesti, e aici un moment emotionant, cuplul nu se mai bucura de parfumul florilor, timpul a marcat o ruptura incit au ajuns pe aceeasi banca doi straini, regretul, melancolia si tristeatea sunt sugerate discret
    Felicitari autoarei!
