first day of school
the girl gives to her brother
her box of colors
Steliana Cristina Voicu,Romania,
haiku master of the month
September means the beginning of a new school year or new semester depending on the country. It’s hard not to smile after conjuring up the image of an older sister giving her younger brother her box of crayons for his first school day. The colorful photo pairs wonderfully with this haiku as it relates directly to the different colors of crayons in the crayon box, and the way the author was able to connect the images of flowers down at her feet with the first day of school shows that she is a true poet. I wonder what kinds of things the younger brother will use those crayons to draw? This beautiful piece continues to make me think about what could happen next.
(Kazuko Nishimura)
Beginning grade school is a transition that most of us recall, when the world turns a bit academic and serious, and when we are required to put away “childish things.” At this juncture, an older sister sweetly bequeaths her “box of colors” to her younger brother, perhaps not old enough yet to attend classes. The photo in this work adds an additional angle, though. From slightly above, a vantage point resembling an older sister looking down at her brother, we see autumn flower bright as a “box of colors.” Chrysanthemum flowers, an autumn kigo, are sure to last until the year grows older, and turns to winter. A heavy subject handled with a light touch.
(Kit Pancoast Nagamura)

driving test -
I give priority
to a ray of sun
Ana Drobot / Romania
frail bridge -
our first meeting
for couple therapy
Angelescu Cristina
(Romania, runners up)
This work wonderfully portrays the different seasons of life. Although many of the entries we received this time focused directly on a bridge, this piece uses the image of a bridge to represent the relationship between two people. The second line portrays the sense of nervousness and frustration of the couple as they begin the road to reconciliation. The first line, “frail bridge,” immediately relates to the audience that the couple is on the brink of breaking up. I can’t help but become curious about the future of these two. Will they stay together? Will there be a second meeting? Questions only your imagination can solve.
bridgeless river
the milky way
between the banks
Eduard Țară / Romania