miercuri, 3 ianuarie 2024



PREMIUL DE EXCELENȚĂ pentru Tanka în limbă străină (外国語短歌優秀賞)

Dan C. Iulian

how many times

I reached the top

on mountain paths

I realized that this trip

is to oneself

幾度 山道を通って頂上へ辿り着いたか̶この旅は自身への旅なのだと悟った


MENȚIUNE ONORABILĂ pentru Tanka în limbă străină (外国語短歌佳作)

Vasile Moldovan

Mount Fuji ‒

I'm on the other side

of the planet

but in my day dreams

I climbed it so many times

富士山この星の裏側に私は居る でも白昼夢で私は幾度も登頂した


Steliana Cristina Voicu

through the clothesline

wind from the mountains -

the moon

waning and waxing

in the plum tree in bloom

物干し綱を通る山々からの風 月は花の咲くプラムの木に満ち欠けをして


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