marți, 2 iulie 2024

Japan Fair 2024 Haiku In English Contest

 Adult Award

Dan C. Iulian, 3rd Place
first snowdrop -
the remainder of the day
becomes bearable


Michael Dylan Welch Judge's Remarks:  Some species of snowdrop flower in winter, bringing a white brightness to the dreariness of the darkest season. The middle line also suggests Kazuo Ishiguro’s, The Remains of the Day, a novel about loyalty and moral dilemma. What’s left of the day, and perhaps also the season and of life, becomes more optimistic because of the flower.

Youth Honorable Mentions

Andreea Lebaduca

Botosani, Romania

turbulence . . .
holding tight the hand
of my imaginary friend


Judge's Remarks: This poem’s first line shows us that we’re on an airplane. The second line presents realistic comfort against the stress of midair turbulence. And then the third line provides a twist—that this friend is not real but imaginary. This could be an adult as easily as we might picture a child. Although the held hand is imagined, the turbulence is real. But surely the comfort is also real.


Gian-Luca Niculce

Botosani, Romania


no one attentive
to the round-up lesson
cherry blossoms


Judge's Remarks: Learning how to round up numbers is a common lesson in younger school grades. But no one is paying attention because of cherry blossoms outside the school window. They are beautiful and ephemeral, perhaps shimmering in a breeze. How could any student pay attention to their lesson? What each student may not yet realize is their own ephemerality. Perhaps the real lesson is the beauty of nature.


Antonia Chersan

Botosani, Romania


wind-brushed pond
a little dragonfly settles
in a paper boat


Judge's Remarks: We may immediately wonder who made the boat. Surely the person who also witnesses the dragonfly alighting on their creation. That small boat serves as respite for the small dragonfly, surely just as making the paper boat is a kind of respite or joy for the person who made it. Perhaps both the person and the dragonfly are seeking calm in the face of challenge and change.

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