vineri, 2 august 2024

THF Monthly Kukai — July 2024


       Theme: green

 In July there were 182 submissions from thirty-one countries across six continents.
One hundred one voters casting ballots determined the  results.
Third Prize
hospice window
my mother counts
shades of green
     — Cezar Ciobica (63 points - 5; 4; 5; 3; 1)
A deeply moving haiku. The opening line sets the scene, and the reader anticipates heartbreak and sadness to come. But there is a sense of renewal in the last line. In spring and early summer, the world bursts open in shades of green; at the same time, some of us are in hospice. The haiku reflects the cycle of life. What do we see when we look beyond ourselves? In these days of hospice, the mother looks to new life outside her window.

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