marți, 29 aprilie 2014
Caribbean Kigo Kukai, april 2014
5 români printre participanți:
Votes: 521***
Points: 12
gunshots ...
a kite flying over
the Berlin wall
Comments: I
love the contrast in this Haiku- of war and peace, innocence against hatred and
Eduard Țară,
Votes: 4*2***
Points: 10
wheelchair –
a child embracing gently
his old kite
Dan Iulian
Votes: 31****
Points: 05
equally playful-
the kite and the wind
Magdalena Dale
Votes: 4*****
Points: 04
up in the sky
a kite rises higher...
fallen leaves
Comments: An
element of mystery in it that just escapesone, like a soaring kite
Lacramioara Capotă
Votes: *1****
Points: 02
never too high
the paper kite -
dreaming out of wheelchair
luni, 28 aprilie 2014
THE TWELFTH ANNUAL ukiaHaiku festival 2014, USA
ediția din acest an, la secțiunea
Reichhold International Prize ”,
haijinul Dan
Iulian (alias Iulian Ciupitu)
fost recompensat cu
pentru poemul
morning -
she deletes with lipstick
overnight kisses
în zori-
cum şterge cu ruj
duminică, 27 aprilie 2014
WHA Haiga Contest
3 haijini români printre cei selectați:
Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă
spring awakening -
among dead leaves
first crocuses

Lavana Kray
no net connection -
I find links to God
by walking

Steliana Voicu
Himeji Castle -
to the temple of cherry lights
I begin mu oddysey

vineri, 25 aprilie 2014
FROGPOND- The Journal of the Haiku Society of America (37.1 issue)
Lavana Kray
falling walnuts...
the end of summer
in Morse code
cad nucile...
sfârşitul verii
în codul Morse
night train
I split the uncut pages
in my book
tren de noapte
tai paginile netăiate
din cartea mea
marți, 22 aprilie 2014
Tageshaiku (Haiku-ul zilei)
Sonntag, 20. April 2014
zur Auferstehung -
auf unseren Schatten
(Resurrection - / on our shadow / candle wax)
Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă
sâmbătă, 19 aprilie 2014
World Haiku 2014 No 10

crush of birds
on the frozen fence -
cancelled flights
Lavana Kray
World Haiga Gallery: Judge: Kuniharu Shimizu
on the frozen fence -
cancelled flights
Lavana Kray
World Haiga Gallery: Judge: Kuniharu Shimizu
vineri, 18 aprilie 2014
MAINICHI /Haiku in English: BEST of 2013
5 haijini români printre nominalizați:
Iulian Ciupitu(Dan Iulian), Vasile Moldovan,
Constantin Severin, Lavana Kray și
Cezar Ciobîcă
I have seen angels—
but this is something common
in a hospital
but this is something common
in a hospital
— Iulian Ciupitu
(Bucharest, Romania)
Comment: ** A superb haiku. There is
no fault in any way
Nothing between years...
only fireworks
and shoots
only fireworks
and shoots
— Vasile Moldovan
(Bucharest, Romania)
Comment: * We old timers think
"only." However,
young people should enjoy "only."
alone I engrave
your kiss ideograph
on the grain of wheat
your kiss ideograph
on the grain of wheat
— Constantin Severin
(Suceava, Romania)
Comment: * A haiku technique the
author surely has.
spring fever—
my old man takes a look
at his lifeline
my old man takes a look
at his lifeline
— Cezar-Florin Ciobica
(Botosani, Romania)
Comment: ** The author takes a good
look at her better half.
stranded dolphin—
a wave comes and goes
comes and goes
a wave comes and goes
comes and goes
— Dan Iulian (Bucharest,
Comment: * We sometimes have small
stranded on the Japanese shore. We all work
together and push them back
to the sea.
dog days—
a stray puppy under
the ice cream van
a stray puppy under
the ice cream van
— Cezar-Florin Ciobica
(Botosani, Romania)
Comment: * I'll take care of that
cute one.
— Dan Iulian
(Bucharest, Romania)
Comment: * This is not haiku,
but interesting.
five o'clock tea—
my shadow goes always
to my neighbour's yard
my shadow goes always
to my neighbour's yard
— Lavana Kray
Comment: * You are going to have some
interaction with the neighbor.
swarm of fireflies—
even the scarecrow
looks handsome
even the scarecrow
looks handsome
— Cezar-Florin Ciobica
(Botosani, Romania)
Comment: * The author found a new
through the phosphorescence of fireflies.
Asahi Haikuist
În ediția din 18 aprilie
a revistei online
Asahi Haikuist Network,
David McMurray
a selectat și un poem de
Vasile Moldovan
Cries of joy
just in Lent
cherry blossoms
strigăte de bucurie
doar în Postul Mare
flori de cireș
joi, 17 aprilie 2014
Chrysanthemum No. 15. April 2014
În acest număr al revistei care
apare de două ori pe an,
sunt prezente cu câte un haiku
Lavana Kray și Steliana Voicu
Lavana Kray
the full moon on my shoulder -
why to go back
to the empty house?
der volle Mond an meiner Seite -
warum zurückgehen
in das leere Haus?
luna plină pe umărul meu -
de ce întoarcerea
în casa goală
Steliana Voicu
autumn twilight -
on the empty branch
time breathes
Herbstzwielicht -
auf dem kahlen Ast
atmet die Zeit
amurg de toamnă -
pe o ramură goală
respiră timpul
Ediția de primăvară, tipărită, a revistei
publică și un haiku al Lavanei Kray:
fool moon-
a fishing line
splits it
luna plină-
firul undiţei
o despică
marți, 15 aprilie 2014
3 haijini români printre premianți:
Lavana Kray
butterflies wedding
across a melilot plot –
the monk stops scything
nuntă de fluturi
peste lotul de sulfină -
călugărul se-oprește din cosit
Eduard Tara
Melting stream –
the old melody escapes
from the silence
dezgheț pe pârâu -
vechea melodie scapă
din tăcere
Vasile Moldovan
Only two readers
in the big library:
me and the moth
doar doi cititori
în marea librărie:
eu și molia
miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014
Daily Haiga - an edited journal of contemporary & traditional haiga
8 April 2014
Lavana Kray (Romania) | |
![]() |
Lavana Kray is from Iasi-Romania.She is a
photographer with a special interest in haiku and haiga. She has been
recognized in haiku contests. Her work has been published in Haiku Canada Review, Asahi Shimbun, The Mainichi, Lynx, AHA
Books, World Haiku Association, Haikouest and Ploc revue-France, Les
Adex-2013, LibrAsia, Vancouver Festival, Basho haiku festival, Yamadera
Basho Museum, Frogpond Journal, Diogen pro kultura magazine and A Hundred Gourds Journal. She was chosen for Haiku Euro Top 100 - edition 2013. Her blog is Photo-haiku . |
miercuri, 2 aprilie 2014
Mainichi/ Haiku in English
Haiku: April 2, 2014
Selected by Isamu Hashimoto
spring fever
in the street banner a lion
ready to jump
febră de primăvară-
în bannerul de pe stradă un leu
gata să sară
Dan Iulian (Bucharest, Romania)
marți, 1 aprilie 2014
Under the Basho Haiku Contest
Honorable Mentions
Contestant #46 - Luminita Suse
Entry 46.1
sunlit streets
other shadows
walk in pairs
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