joi, 31 martie 2016
Rezultatele concursului organizat de HAIKOUEST
Palmarès Vivement (janvier 2016)
5 ème Prix
une femme à la porte –
les enfants d’orphelinat
dans les fenêtres
Lavana Gray
Palmarès Cadeau (février
3ème Prix
fête des mères –
un orphelin regarde
le ciel plein d’étoiles
miercuri, 30 martie 2016
sâmbătă, 26 martie 2016
The 140th. WHA Haiga Contest (03/2016)
Andrei Beșleagă

Lavana Kray

Cristina Steliana Voicu
luni, 21 martie 2016
5th Setouchi Matsuyama
Photo Haiku Contest results
A sky of restlessness
the sun goes down
into a shell
--Steliana Cristina Voicu
(Ploiesti, Romania)
Hiroshima Port
after a lifetime its water
at last clears anew
--Vasile Moldovan
(Shopteriu, Romania)
duminică, 20 martie 2016
vineri, 18 martie 2016
Results of the EUROPEAN QUARTERLY KUKAI #13 - Spring 2016 Edition
Topic: people
Au fost 212 poeme în concurs din 43 de ţări.
Lavana Kray, Iasi, Romania
(9-3-5) = 38 points
(9-3-5) = 38 points
convoy -
a newborn baby smiles
in his sleep
a newborn baby smiles
in his sleep
6th place – 28 points
Day -
lizard warming
Christian Dexter, Botosani, Romania
= 28 pts
9th place – 21 points:
fisherman -
the oar slowly dispersing
the Milky Way
#115 Frățilă Genovel-Florentin, Rîmnicu Sărat, Romania
(5-1-4) the oar slowly dispersing
the Milky Way
#115 Frățilă Genovel-Florentin, Rîmnicu Sărat, Romania
14 points (3):
rivalry -
taller and thinner
my shadow
#005 Ana Drobot, Bucharest, Romania
= 14 ptstaller and thinner
my shadow
#005 Ana Drobot, Bucharest, Romania
12 points
mom calls me by the name
of my lost brother
#166 Laura Csilla, Brasov, Romania
mom calls me by the name
of my lost brother
#166 Laura Csilla, Brasov, Romania
= 12 pts
looking deeply at
red plum blossoms

Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă, Botoşani, Romania
= 12 pts
11 points
the absence of mum
the girl sings a lullaby
for her new doll
#122 Vasile Moldovan, Bucharest, Romania
= 11 pts the girl sings a lullaby
for her new doll
#122 Vasile Moldovan, Bucharest, Romania
10 points
the rain has stopped…in the delivery room
pink tulips
#154 Steliana Cristina Voicu, Ploiesti, Romania
(2-1-2) = 10 pts
I believed in Superman –
Father's Day
#062 Capotă Daniela Lăcrămioara, Galati, Romania
= 9 ptsI believed in Superman –
Father's Day
#062 Capotă Daniela Lăcrămioara, Galati, Romania
new lesson:
the grandson teaches his grandpa
to navigate online
#125 Constantin Stroe, Bucharest, Romania
(2-1-0) = 8 pts
the grandson teaches his grandpa
to navigate online
#125 Constantin Stroe, Bucharest, Romania
(2-1-0) = 8 pts
flavor –
grandma’s memory
all over the garden
grandma’s memory
all over the garden
Carmen Duvalma, Targoviste, Romania
= 8 pts
problems -
I don't know how how to take off
my T-shirt
#093 Mihail Buraga, Bucharest, Romania
I don't know how how to take off
my T-shirt
#093 Mihail Buraga, Bucharest, Romania
= 4 pts
subway tunnel –
disturbing crowd touching
the widow’s body
#133 Miruna Covor, Bucharest, Romania
= 2 ptsdisturbing crowd touching
the widow’s body
#133 Miruna Covor, Bucharest, Romania
awaiting for
the first child –
crocuses in bloom
#194 Maria Tirenescu, Cugir, Romania
(0-0-2) = 2 pts
no points this time
on sleepless night Big Brother
the wireless phone
#023 Nicu Stopel, Bucharest, Romania
no results – authors who didn’t
At the bakery
heart-shaped loaves of bread -
Women’s day
#059 Virginia Popescu, Ploiesti, Romania
marți, 15 martie 2016
Haiku: March 15, 2016
(Mainichi Japan)
At the nightfall
the hunter's knapsack
stuffed with tales
Vasile Moldovan (Bucharest, Romania)
Selected by Isamu Hashimoto
sâmbătă, 12 martie 2016
Mainichi - haiku in english
Haiku: March 12, 2016
the railroad tracks
heading the same direction--
overnight snow
oana boazu (Galati, Romania)
Selected by Isamu Hashimoto
luni, 7 martie 2016
The 2016 Golden Haiku Contest - results

Runners Up
Flying petals —
the black cat’s eyes
blink drowsily
— Virginia Popescu
Old walls —
a blooming lilac
paints the sky
— Virginia Popescu
pruning the trees
of public garden —
crow eggs on asphalt
— Lavana kray
little girl
pushing a baby stroller —
plum petals over doll
— Lavana kray
flea street vendor —
the straw hat turning
into a bird nest
— Lavana kray
old cherry tree
ready to be cut down
blossoming overnight
— Lavana kray
sweeping forbidden!
the girl hangs a banner
in the cherry blooms
— Lavana kray
small spring garden —
some love letters
in the mud
— Maria Tirenescu
morning glory —
I wish I knew more
about her dreams
— cezar-florin ciobîcă
the child blows
away dandelions’ fluff…
end of spring
— Ana Drobot
by moonlight
the leafing reed plot
hither and thither
— Vasile Moldovan
duminică, 6 martie 2016
Haiku-ul zilei
Samstag, 13. Februar 2016
grown-up child -
in the old garden
no more snow
(erwachsenes Kind -
im alten Garten / kein
Schnee mehr)
Ana Drobot, Romania
Results of The Indian Kukai # 15
78 participants took part in 15th Indian Kukai,
and they came from 25 different countries.
The theme of this edition was ASH.
fields of ash -
raindrops explodes
one by one
-Mihail Buraga
[ Bucharest,Romania]
ashes... the history lessons they know by heart
- Ana Drobot
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
( 5,0,0 ) = 5 points
My mother's body
only a handful of ash...
nothing else
- Vasile Moldovan
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
( 1, 0, 1 ) = 4 points
- Vasile Moldovan
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
( 1, 0, 1 ) = 4 points
old cowboy in love –
wood ash stirred in water
for stomach burning
- Miruna Covor
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
( 1,1,0 ) = 3 points
- Miruna Covor
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
( 1,1,0 ) = 3 points
spring wind –
she scatters the ash from
the last cig together
- Dan Iulian
[ Bucharest-Romania ]
- Dan Iulian
[ Bucharest-Romania ]
the Club of Rome -
global warming think tank full
of cigar ashes
- Nicu Stopel
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
- Nicu Stopel
[ Bucharest, Romania ]
from now on the words
as the ash –
breaking up letter
- Capotă Daniela Lăcrămioara
[ Galaţi ,Romania ]
sâmbătă, 5 martie 2016
miercuri, 2 martie 2016
A Hundred Gourds 5:2 March 2016
on the sky
this rainy day –
life in the bustling city
keeps me down-to-earth
Ana Drobot - Romania
spring snow –
still more layers
to the onion I peel
Ana Drobot – Romania still more layers
to the onion I peel
almond blossoms –
from petal to petal
silk moon
Steliana Cristina Voicu – Romania from petal to petal
silk moon
flash floods –
all over the streets
white swans
Ana Drobot – Romania all over the streets
white swans
a homeless man
who was playing a flute
on the street corner
fell suddenly in the rain …
a donor card in his pocket
Lavana Kray - Romania who was playing a flute
on the street corner
fell suddenly in the rain …
a donor card in his pocket
on the sky
this rainy day –
life in the bustling city
keeps me down-to-earth
Ana Drobot - Romania
marți, 1 martie 2016
din brass bell: a haku journal
Haiku by and About Women
This issue showcases small poems by and about women. March 8 is International Women's Day and we write in celebration of women and girls.
You will notice the way certain themes and references appear in more than one haiku, like threads connecting women to one another.
Poems have been received from Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, Poland, Romania, and The United States.
cherry blossoms —
a daughter tries on her mother's
wedding dress
- Ana Drobot
orphanage room —
children call me:
- Lavana Kray
mother sews a kite
onto my little apron —
blue sky
- Maria Tirenescu
lime trees in bloom —
on watch at the window
girl and moon
- Virginia Popescu
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