A piece of heaven for tourists with its fauna and flora, the Danube Delta is tough on the locals living on a strip of land, as they are dependent on boats at all times. Many of them drifted away like floating reeds, but the elders remained. They are deeply rooted in the banks of the Danube. It’s a mild, autumn day, same as it was fifty years ago, when the cranes were leaving and the fisherman brought Kira by boat to be his bride.
He fares her back now; there is no graveyard here...
scythe on shoulder –
how beautifully grows the grass
in her eyes
Hidden paths
In the harsh light of noon, the woman’s hand over the eyes trembles like a broken wing She lowered the garden fence, so she can see as far as the horizon, where someone appears now and then, but never reaches her. As the sparrows are dozing off among blue morning glories, the silence seems too hard to be broken, but a ship’s horn sounds and some ray of hope is flitting across her blushing face. Time to pull off the weeds on the pathway home again...
two cups of tea –
coming at the right time
a cloud of rain
There comes a day that seems like the very last one, when you feel the urge to take the final steps, where you also took your first, so I take my backpack and head to the train station. Once arrived, I wend my way through the blue-eyed thistles (childhood friends). Everything is unchanged, only the forest looks like a defeated army. A motorbike raises a monster of dust who is about to engulf me, but rain drops collapse it. I finally can see my slumped shoulders house and a fluttering flowered dress.
homesickness –
greeting me with open arms
the scarecrow
Lavana Kray