vineri, 6 decembrie 2024

The 14th Polish International Haiku Contest.

 Third Prize

Christmas dinner –
in the grandfather’s hair
all the tinsel

Mirela Brailean, Romania

The effective use of humor in haiku is rare and, when done well, deserves to be rewarded. The poet’s choice of coupling the word ‘tinsel’ and ‘grandfather’s hair’ is highly innovative. The best haiku allow the reader to complete the poem, and in this sense, I too was a guest at the Christmas dinner.  Finally, each reading of this haiku brought a smile to my face.


night vigil…
listening to the rain
turning into snow

Cezar Ciobica, Romania

Line one’s ‘night vigil,’ often results in a sharpening of the senses. Portrayed in this poem, both through the use of sound and, paradoxically, its absence.

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