joi, 26 decembrie 2024

L'Ours dansant – Le journal gratuit du haïku N° 44 – Décembre 2024


après la tempête - 

le bébé mène à la bouche 

quelques grains de grêle 

Rodica P. CALOTA, Roumanie

accord de paix 

sur la ligne de front 

la première neige 

Mirela BRAILEAN, Roumanie 

grand-mère porte 

du basilic à l'église - 

il neige à gros flocons 

Maria TIRENESCU, Roumanie

des rafales de vent - 

les ruines de la forteresse 

lavées par les vagues 

Mihaela COJOCARU, Roumanie

duminică, 22 decembrie 2024



Nominated for Excellent

very few left

to hug on New Year's Eve -

two white reflections

in the same cracked window,

Mt. Fuji and the old man


Lavana Kray, Romania ルーマニア


from my window 

cherry trees in full bloom 

and snowy Fujisan… 

in vain my longing 

it calls you incessantly

窓飾る満開桜と雪の富士 憧れむなしく君を呼ぶひたすら 

Dale Magdalena, Romania ルーマニア 

de la fereastra mea

cireși înfloriți

şi Fujisan înzăpezit...

degeaba dorul meu

te cheamă neîncetat

Magdalena Dale


Vasile Moldovan, Romania

limbing the mountin

to the realm of the gods

all of a sudden

I feel the illumination

how comes right from my own soul

山を攀じ神々の境 ゆくりかに光差すまさに吾の魂より

Dan C. Iulian, Romania

the silence

echoing on the autumn alleys

in the paving stones -

at our feet stretched out

the mountain paths


Cristian Matei, Romania

Cherry blossoms fall

along the trail to Fuji ‒

with every step

my dreams soar toward

the lofty peaks



vineri, 20 decembrie 2024

The Haiku Foundation

 the howling of wolves

the old hunting dog’s paws

move in sleep

"The reflex from an old habit is quite incredible. Earlier today, I watched a video where an old lady with dementia could still play the piano gracefully despite her failing memories. In this poem, the old dog, even in sleep, remembers the good old hunting days. It brings a smile to me. The world is truly remarkable, along with what might be locked in our memories". Sherry Grant

Per Diem - Haiku-ul zilei pe 18 dec. 2024.

the way Grandpa
folds the world map…
postponed dream

Steliana Cristina Voicu
Ploiesti, Romania

From this poem there is a sense of hesitation and regret. I can imagine a heavy sigh. Most parents and grandparents that I know put the welfare of their young ones ahead of themselves. The sacrifice ‘Grandpa’ has made for us to enjoy a better life, reminds me of my own father, who unlike myself having played frequent concert tours, has never really travelled the world but has been dedicating himself to working hard for his children and grandkids’ sakes. I hope all grandparents’ postponed dreams in this world get fulfilled, and that their offspring will help them in realising these.

vineri, 13 decembrie 2024

Enchanted Garden Issue 10

   lumina zilei

strecurându-se-n palme -

atingerea ta

încă-n lumea viselor

îți compun primul poem


the light of day

slipping into my palms –

your touch

still in the world of dreams

my first poem to you


Ana Drobot, Bucharest, Romania

strugurii zdrobiți -

toată dulceața verii

în vinul cel nou


squashed grapes -

all summer's sweetness

in the new wine


photo&haiku: Mirela Brăilean, Romania

lumină coaptă

frunzele cad

una câte una


mellow light

the leaves drop

one by one


Mona Iordan, Romania

mergând spre școală –

lumina zmeurie

a dimineții


walking to school –

the raspberry light

of  morning


Maria Tirenescu, Romania

în altă lumină -

îngălbenit după brumă

bătrânul ginkgo


in a new light -

yellowed after the frost

the old ginkgo


Mirela Brăilean, Romania

lună plină

deasupra orașului –

paznic de noapte


full moon

over the city –

night guard


Carmen Duvalma, Romania

Liman de liniști -

lin din lacul domolit

licărul lunii


Border of stillness -

smoothe from the calmed lake

the spark of the moon


Vasile Moldovan, Bucharest, Romania


lumina vieții  –

răsfoiesc din nou

vechiul roman


light of my life –

I read again

an old novel


Ana Drobot, Bucharest, Romania


porumbei în zbor –

lumina aurie

a amurgului


pigeons in flight –

the golden light

of twilight


Maria Tirenescu, Romania

sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2024

l’estran, la revue francophone annuelle

 portail grinçant –

je vais voir, peut-être

ce n’est pas le vent

Lavana Kray

vineri, 6 decembrie 2024

The 14th Polish International Haiku Contest.

 Third Prize

Christmas dinner –
in the grandfather’s hair
all the tinsel

Mirela Brailean, Romania

The effective use of humor in haiku is rare and, when done well, deserves to be rewarded. The poet’s choice of coupling the word ‘tinsel’ and ‘grandfather’s hair’ is highly innovative. The best haiku allow the reader to complete the poem, and in this sense, I too was a guest at the Christmas dinner.  Finally, each reading of this haiku brought a smile to my face.


night vigil…
listening to the rain
turning into snow

Cezar Ciobica, Romania

Line one’s ‘night vigil,’ often results in a sharpening of the senses. Portrayed in this poem, both through the use of sound and, paradoxically, its absence.

duminică, 1 decembrie 2024

Under the Bashō 2024


  Rustling shadows

Day after day, after day, after day, until one day...

And then, not even a day goes by and someone

(someone else) comes to clean up the place...

Few garbage bags: our memories.


rustling shadows –

an origami crane

through the shredder


Lavana Kray

miercuri, 27 noiembrie 2024

L'Ours dansant – Le journal gratuit du haïku N° 43 – Novembre 2024



le sol fissuré 

sur le visage sillonné 

rivières de sueur 


jardin du palais 

la naïade se regarde 

dans le miroir d'eau 

Mona IORDAN, Roumanie 

café de l'aube - 

dans la goutte de rosée 

la lune tardive 

Mircea MOLDOVAN, Roumanie

 saule pleureur – 

sur l'eau de la rivière 

vieilles lettres 

Mihaela COJOCARU, Roumanie 

ruisseau de montagne 

avec de l'eau trouble – 

un lézard sur le rivage 

Maria TIRENESCU, Roumanie 

moineau caché 

dans le hall du jardin d´enfants – 

pluie d'été 

Maria TIRENESCU, Roumanie

eau minérale – 

ma ville toute fraîche 

sur la terrasse 

Ana DROBOT, Roumanie

porteurs d'eau 

les nuages souffrent 


Rodica P. CALOTĂ, Roumanie

sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2024

Kyoto Haiku Project / Writing on the “Peace”, October 2024

 change of season -

children planting cherry trees

in the scorched orchard 


the rain is over -

children playing badminton 

over the barbed wire 


air raid siren - 

unfinished chalk pigeon

in the schoolyard 


war orphan -

searching for a kindred spirit

in the woods

Lavana Kray

duminică, 17 noiembrie 2024

Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Volume 8:1 Autumn/Winter 2024

 first snow –

no trace of smoke

from my mother’s house

prima zăpadă –
niciun fuior de fum
din casa mamei
      Mihaela Cojocaru, Romania

winter evening –
through the closed window
icicles on the moon

seară de iarnă –
prin fereastra închisă
ţurţuri în lună
      Carmen Duvalma, Romania

rain patter
the crickets are waiting
their turn

ţârâit de ploaie
greierii îşi aşteaptă
      Mona Iordan, Romania

mountain village –
snowy stack of wood
at the old fence

cătun de munte –
stivă ninsă de lemne
la gardul vechi
      Maria Tirenescu, Romania

Harvest Moon –
from my garden to my terrace
a raccoon

Luna Recoltei –
din grădină pe terasă
un raton
      Steliana Cristina Voicu, Romania

Revue d’arts littéraires ENTREVOUS - No.25, Canada


Une vague d’air saharien a fait sortir bien plus tôt les êtres endormis sous la couverture de neige. Fraîcheur du ciel, déjà le parfum d’un lilas. Et un vinyle : Jacques Brel, Ne me quitte pas. Une hirondelle a heurté une vitre. Elle gît, inerte, sur le rebord de la fenêtre, dans une douce lumière.

oiseau mourant

un papillon dans son bec –

aigle en piqué



Quelques kilomètres de marche. Me voilà à l’orée d’un champ d’herbes aromatiques constellé de rares pétales colorés. Aucune abeille, que des rats déchiquetés par les oiseaux. Contrariée, je lève les yeux au ciel. Un avion s’approche en répandant une bruine laiteuse.

pesticides –

un enfant dessine

un papillon sur une fleur

Lavana Kray


luni, 11 noiembrie 2024


  Editor: Strider Marcus Jones 

The poet

A flock of sheep crosses the orchard, mashing golden overripe plums under their hooves. It smells like grandma's old hearth boiling jams. Ahead of me, a convoy of villagers meanders on the path without horizon, waking the ancestral dust from its numbness. Some people complain about the hard times, some say jokes. They know a lot about all things, and next to nothing about the man they follow on the last road, except that he roamed the hills and wrote poems...            

the leaves no longer fall                          

at the poet's house –



The hand that used to rest on my shoulder, no longer opens the door. No one waters the flowers and dreams anymore...Even this fuliginous cloud spreads its shadow and moves on. How desolate our walnut tree swing is! Now and then only a snail swings, or this fog, which can’t be waltzed away by wind. Some twigs snap under imaginary steps, or maybe not. I watch obsessively the barren land, letting only a shadow rise. Always the same...

deep mist –

the bitter taste

of aerial roots




The inclement weather has ruined my plans of mountain hiking. The path turned muddy. Wet birds watch me sliding towards the yellow water while trying to get hold of branches. The nenuphars make place for me. Daylight only flows into the stork's eggs. Perhaps, it’s not by chance that I’am here. I could find out how long it takes for indifference to become concern. People pass by, engrossed in their cell phones.

falling stars –

equally vulnerable

                               the sky and man


Lavana Kray